The BCNS website - old and new

The new BCNS website

The BCN is now 250 years old, the BCN Society 52 years, and the BCNS website is a few years old. We do our best to make the BCN a better place, so it was about time to do the same for our website.

“Black satanic mills” does not describe the BCN of today. The BCN of today is, in most parts, a green oasis in a pleasant and only partially urban environment.

The website header shows a the bridge at Toll End Junction, in the best of British weather – pouring rain. It’s peaceful, it’s beautiful, and it’s green. That’s why the website uses a lot of green.

The menu is very different – we want make the website an easy and pleasant place to navigate and explore, in the same way as we are making the BCN and easy and pleasant place to navigate and explore.

This website should work on all devices, on large desktop as well as small mobile phone screens. A lot of work has gone into this new website, but, as with all new software, it’s not perfect. Some parts are still “work in progress”, and you might even find a problem or two.

Should you find anything you think is wrong, please bring it to our attention, otherwise we might never know about it, and never fix it! Please email the webmaster, you won’t be making a fuzz, you would really help us.

This new website won’t be complete when it goes public at the end of October, there is a lot more work to do in, unfortunately, rather limited time. Still, we hope you’ll enjoy exploring the new site!