BCNS and Longwood Boat Club will be holding a duck race at our May Gathering (17th – 19th). We know many of our members live some distance away and may be unable to attend so we thought we’d give you the opportunity of playing by purchasing a duck(s) remotely.
All you need to do is email the Secretary, Michael Smith-Keary ( and tell him how many ducks, at £1.00 each, you would like to buy. Then send your donation electronically to:
BCN Society
Sort Code 30-92-35
Account Number 26403168
You’ll then be allocated a number(s) and be part of the race. There will be 3 prizes, a bottle of whisky, £20, and £5.
This is of course all just a bit of fun, but as ever, we do need to raise funds (particularly as we have absorbed some considerable items of capital expenditure this year), so please do take part. We have plenty of ducks so please don’t hold back, as it’s unlikely we won’t have enough to match the demand.