We are not an online shop. All the “Order directly” links point to our friends from the Canal Bookshop at Audlem Mill, and are provided for your convenience. Of course most of the books are available at other sources as well.
The list is by no means complete. If we missed anything, please let us know, via the comment form below!

Cover of the 2019 Edition of the Pearson Canal Companion “Stourport & Black Country Rings, Birmingham Canal Navigations”
Pearson Canal Companion
A new and updated edition published 2019, 160 pages full of information
Order directly from the Canal Bookshop
Nicholson Guide “Birmingham & The Heart of England”
Another classic guide to all the BCN canals
Order directly from the Canal Bookshop
Heron Maps Birmingham Canal Navigations
A detailed and beautifully done map, highly recommended!
Order directly from the Canal Bookshop
Online Resources and Apps
Canal PlanAC
An extraordinary online tool to plan any canal trip in greatest detail.
If you are hiring and have to return the boat to a given date and time, this is the tool to do all the planning.
It’s also invaluable for anyone taking part in the BCNS 24hours Marathon Challenge!
If you don’t know it, try it! It’s a web based map of the canals, like Google Map for canals.
There is a web based version, and, for anyone on a boat, a mobile app, available for iOS and Android.
The whole project depends on the input from the public. OpenCanalMap is great to use, and could be made even better with your support.
Canal & River Trust
The official body in charge of all the UK canals, with lots of information on their website,, including current stoppages. Certainly worth a visit!
A click on the logo takes you to their West Midlands section, covering the Birmingham Canal Navigations.
Have we missed anything?
Please let us know, using the comment form below.
Thank you!