Park Head Cottage in 1910, showing the Saddler family who worked and lived there.
Anyone familiar with the Birmingham Canals will be familiar with the BCN canalside cottages, identified not by street address, but by thei BCN number.
Brenda Ward, one of the BCN enthusiasts in the BCNS, has started a Facebook group dedicated to these unique cottages and their history:
BCN Canalside Cottages Facebook Group
Brenda writes:
It has been an interest since we first started boating the BCN and I have taken many photos of most existing cottages. There were 272 but now there are less than 60.
Since starting this group we have found many details and stories of the existing & demolished cottages and it seems as if we are bringing them to life.
Do have a look and join if you like. I’m sure you will be interested in some of the findings.Start at the beginning or search for items that interest you by clicking on the spyglass at top right hand corner and make your selection.
It is a fascinating page, highly recommended for anyone interested in the Birmingham Canals.