West Midland Canals through time – Severn Avon & Birmingham This little gem of a book from Ray Shill in every way lives up to what we have come to expect from him. His ability to produce the right illustration is never better shown than here. Available from local bookshops or from the publisher Amberley Books ISBN 9781445610733
Historic guillotine lock on the Stratford canal re-opened.
The recently restored historic Guillotine Lock on the North Stratford canal (Lock 1) at Kings Norton junction was re-opened by actor and boater Timothy West and the historic BW boat Scorpio on Tuesday 30th April (For the pedants amongst you – I know lock 1 on the Stratford isn’t on the BCN – but it is on one of the main routes in)
The start of the BCN Society
The BCNS came about not from a ‘Big Bang’ theory but more like a creeping inevitability. It all began with the Government publishing a White Paper on the canals in 1967. Barbara Castle was Minister of Transport and we all expected Labour to champion the waterways cause. Most people were happy with the White Paper. BCNites were not. At a …
Pelsall Festival 2011
Gary Perry, Mayor of Walsall opened the Canal Festival organised by the Society at Pelsall Common on 11th & 12th June 2011. After more than 10 years absence the Pelsall Canal festival was a great success. Around 160 boats, including over a dozen heritage craft, lined the Wyrley and Essington Canal and the Cannock Extension. There were over 60 stalls, …