BCN Marathon Challenge results

Hot off the press, here are the Marathon Challenge results. Congratulations to Richard and his team on Tawny Owl for an outstanding result! 1         Richard Powell on Tawny Owl with 635.2  points 2         Tom Murkin on Diesel And Dust with 609.8  points 3         Sarah Edgson on Canis Major with 554.6  points 4         John Mosley on Firefly with 513  points 5         …

Changes to the BCN Society website

We have revised our website, to retain the strengths of the diary based site, but to allow more flexibility for news pages – hence you will actually flick between two sites. All of the posts prior to this one are items taken from the “news” section of the older part of the site. Posts from after this will be current …

“Headwaters” – a book by BCNS member Phil Clayton

To cross that same river again, knowing you have seen it at source, is like sharing a secret with an old friend.” BCN Society Vice-President, giver of talks and burger bar gopher, Phil Clayton, has written a book chronicling visits to the sources of more than 50 rivers in Great Britain. Headwaters describes a series of walks ranging from long treks …

The Allen Register joins the BCNSociety at the Pelsall Rally

The BCN Society continued its long standing association with the Allen Register at the Pelsall Canal Festival taking place from June 14-16. The weekend saw the latest gathering of owners and friends of boats built by Les Allen and Sons (Bob and John) at Oldbury. For further details on the Allen Register contact Annie Jenner via this link.

Soho Loop Workparty – 16 Feb 2013

The work party on the Soho Loop was a major success – much rubbish and scrap metal retrieved from the canal bed. Some of it needed serious effort to get it off the canal bed – Mike Powell’s “Anson” provided a good test of the breaking strain of synthetic line hauling a shopping trolley buried deep in the mud.  (The …

Latest plans for the Selly Oak Sainsbury’s endanger restoration of the Lapal link

Plans have been submitted and approved for the redevelopment of the Battery Site, at Selly Oak, where the Dudley No 2 canal joined the Worcester and Birmingham. If the Lapal Link is ever to come to fruition, this site is critical. For many complicated reasons, these plans are being modified. More details are on the Lapal Canal Trust website, the Bournville Village website  …