Phoenix is the Society workboat and is essential for us to undertake our work party activities, like cleaning up the Birmingham canals. Unfortunately, major work are required, so we are asking for your help! We have set up a Just Giving account, to make it quick and easy to donate, and keep Phoenix afloat! Please download one of the forms …
Toll Island Work Party
BCNS received a request from Steve Lambert at CRT to undertake a clean up to clear the toll island on the New Main Line beneath the Engine Arm aqueduct near Smethwick. Emails were sent out, a date agreed and 11 hardly volunteers turned up at 9.30am on Saturday 26th October at Brasshouse Lane to meet Steve and unload the CRT tools into the BCNS …
Report: BCNS and National Citizen Service weekends
BCNS hosted an induction and a work party for eleven 16 year olds from the National Citizen Service over the last 2 weekends. They were all from the Smethwick area but had little or no knowledge of the canals around them. The induction takes place at the Pump House and is an introduction for the teenagers about the canals and …
Work Party December 2nd
Talk about ‘up with thee lark’ off down ‘Jimmy Crow; flight by 07.05am, into the dark grey raining morning, tunnel light picking out strange characters staring out of the shadows of trees and bushes, as they peruse use down the flight. Well not really, just my imagination after getting 5 hours sleep on and off attending the BCNS Christmas do …
BCN Society Spring Cruise 2018
on Saturday 7th April 2018 at 10am from TIPTON to BUMBLE HOLE via locks & Netherton tunnel We welcome boaters to join our cruise & to allow some passengers to join them. This year we are taking our Spring Cruise from Tipton to Windmill End and back. We will take either the Factory Locks or Brades to take us from …
Fast work by C&RT
I was heading down the Farmers Bridge flight with Brian and Brenda Ward on Colehurst, and we heard that the collar on the bottom of the Aston flight had failed. C&RT had been informed, and were “on the case” By the time we got to Aston bottom lock, there was the C&RT team having a well deserved lunch break, and …
Work party re-secures Titford Pump House moorings
There had been some thoroughly unpleasant incidents with vandals coming under Tat Bank bridge, crossing the canal on the bridging pontoon and vandalising some of the boats moored there. It became apparent that the end of the fence blocking the access under the bridge had been removed. A work party moved the pontoon that provided the access to the moorings, …
The Young and Old Mavericks at the Pump House
As a pre-empt to the Boonyeds Tour later in the year Billy Spake Mon and Bren Hawthorne will return to the Titford Pump House, Langley on Saturday April 22 to host the first evening of the year in collaboration with BCN Society. They will showcase young and more mature performers from the Maverick acoustic night including James Broadfoot and John …
Work party success
On a stunningly successful work party in November, 12 volunteers filled Crowe and Phoenix from only three bridge holes. The job was far from finished – so they had another go. (Due to a communications glitch – this was originally posted as a workparty on Jan 19th – there is not one then) e.
Progress restoring the Dudley No 2
In 2016 Lapal Canal Trust made some big strides towards restoring the Dudley No 2 canal. There was substantial excavation of Harborne Wharf by Careys, a WRG work camp to restore the canal wall. (There is another WRG camp starting on 29 July – see the Diary or the WRG website.) The ground was laser scanned, so that they can take sections to help …