The buzz went round this afternoon that the Worcester Bar was being shut as an emergency measure, because of a leak in to the disused rail tunnel that used to carry the LMS line from what is now Five Ways station to the old goods yard. Network Rail (who apparently own this aqueduct) were working on the tunnel, and when …
Work Party clearing at Titford Pools
The team worked seriously hard to clear some of the fallen trees blocking the entrance to Titford Pools. Looking at the amount of cut wood, they kept themselves warm, despite the cold (though dry) day.
Atlas – winter maintenance continues
Today we took some angle grinders to wire brush the rust and grunge off the hull below the rubbing strake, and applied a coat of bitumen. Next Saturday there will be another work party to finish the blacking, and do some preparation work on the cabin sides. Meanwhile Tony Prior was cutting …
BCN Society Spring Cruise – Saturday 11 April
We are running an informal Spring Cruise on 11 April. Meet up with your boat by Sea Life Centre / Deep Cuttings Junction in Birmingham. Travel around Oozels Loop, out onto the Main Line and into Icknield Port Loop then across the Main Line into Soho Loop passing the entrance to Hockley Port towards Smethwick then ascend the locks to the Engine …
Atlas – winter maintenance
Atlas is due some maintenance. Age and weather has been taking its toll. The gunwales around the cabin side have rotted, as is obvious in this photo taken during the autumn. So she has been pulled out of the water for the work to be done. What is interesting is that it shows that the current cabin is the second, if …
Russell Newbery Register Rally 2015
We are pleased to have host the 2015 RNR Rally at the Titford Pumphouse from the 16th to the 19th of July. For full details of how to join in the fun (and the Russell Newbury Register) go to their website.
Bonfire Rally
I think the Bonfire Rally went really well. Barry Johnson has organised them for the last 23 years – so he has decided to take a break. Thank you Barry. A job really well done. The good news is that the rallies will continue – Paddy Grice, (who is a key player in the Black Country Boating Festival, as well as …
Titford Canal Cleanups.
Langley WatersideCare are starting a regular programme of cleanups on the towpath of the Titford Canal, and round Titford Pools, on the first Saturday of each month from 10:30am until 12:30 pm. All equipment will be provided. Please wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. It is essential that you wear sturdy footwear and under 16’s must be accompanied by a …
2015 programme on the website
The 2015 BCN Society programme is now on the website, and can be found at this link.
Bob Broomhall – 15 Sep 1941 — 23 Sep 2014
Last night we lost Bob. A full obituary by people who knew him better than I will follow, but you didn’t have to know Bob for long to realise what an amazing guy he was. Bob “The Duck” was a larger than life character, – a big man despite his small stature. The smiling face under the familiar hat (often …