Booking for BCNS End of Season rally at Titford opens

Booking for our end of season rally has now opened.  (We are having an end of season rally at Titford Pumphouse, rather than a bonfire rally.) Real ale, live music and food – a good weekend out. The Society AGM will be on the Friday evening. If you are coming by boat, you will need an entry form, that you …

Birmingham Heritage Week – canal walks

Discover Birmingham’s Waterway Wonders Meet outside the Round House, canal side, by the Fiddle and Bone public house,  Sheepcote Street B16 8EB, at 11:00 on 13, 15 and 17 September. Visitors to the canal side will be offered guided walking tours from the Round House. Expert volunteers (from the BCNS) will help people to enjoy the historic fabric and features …

A Night by the Cut

Billie Spake Mon & John Langford in conjunction with Black Country Radio’s “Omma ‘n’ Chain Show” & The Black Country Bugle proudly present A Night By The Cut Saturday 27th June 2015, 7pm for 7:30. Tickets £5, payable at the door. Can be reserved using the contact form below.