Billie Spake Mon & John Langford in conjunction with Black Country Radio’s “Omma ‘n’ Chain Show” & The Black Country Bugle proudly present A Night By The Cut Saturday 27th June 2015, 7pm for 7:30. Tickets £5, payable at the door. Can be reserved using the contact form below.
BCNS Marathon Challenge 2015
Great Marathon Challenge – Thanks to Roy Kenn and John Carrington for organising it. Water levels a bit low, which made it more of a challenge! C&RT are looking at why, and will try to avoid the same happening next year. A message from John Carrington “I have just had a meeting with Roy and initially we would like to …
Claymills Victorian Pumping Station in steam Easter weekend
Not even slightly BCN, but the passion of Chris Allen, who was talking to us on Thursday 2nd about stationary steam engines. The Claymills Victorian Pumping Station in Burton on Trent is in steam on Easter Sunday and Monday. Follow the link for full details.
Duck race practice
The duck race team get around. A practice run in Brindley Place, near the Ikon Gallery. See them next at Titford or Smethwick.
Gas Street Basin stoppage ended.
As of last night, (11 March) the coffer dams were removed, and it is possible to get on to the Worcester and Birmingham from the BCN.
Stanley Holland’s books for sale
Stanley Holland has given his many of his books for us to sell, (with the proceeds being split between the BCNS & Stan) A full list of the books available are on this link. The prices are as researched by Brenda – though if you feel they are worth more, more would be appreciated. Contact Brenda, either via the form below, …
Smethwick Pump House – open days in 2015.
The Galton Valley Canal Museum will again be open on the second Saturday of the month from March to October this year, from 10:00 to 15:00. These dates are:- 14th March 11th April 9th May 13th June 11th July 8th August 12th September 10th October The Museum will also be open alongside the BCNS Bonfire Rally. Learn more about it …
Worcester Bar aqueduct leakage
Having put the coffer dams in, C&RT set about pumping out the water. Come Sunday morning and the fish rescue started. There was an amazing number of film crews and photographers about (including me). The weather was definitely damp. I think the guys in the canal were probably the driest people there! …
Gas Street Basin stoppage (continued)
Midnight last night (19/20 Feb), it was clear that the pump was not coping with the leakage in through the emergency stop gates. I was told that the plan was to stanch off the section from Worcester Bar almost to Salvage Turn. This morning, the work started on the coffer dam. Though those guys are in decent dry suits, rather them than me. …
Emergency stoppage at Gas Street – continued
Having moved the boats that wished to go out of the Worcester & Birmingham side of the basin, the next thing was to shut the emergency gates, in preparation for pumping out the cut. The tug came up from Granville Street bridge, and closing the emergency gate would only take a moment. Snag – though the gate in the Worcester …