Some said it was madness. Others warned of spending a week in the weed hatch – or worse. But my recent experience of a Birmingham Canals Society Explorer Cruise actually resulted in one of the most enjoyable weeks I have had for some time. Yes, time was spent in the weed hatch for everyone – in my case picking up …
The BCNS is now on Twitter!
You may be aware of our Facebook page, now we are on Twitter as well! As you might have guessed, the address is Twitter/bcnsociety, so you can reach us via @bcnsociety, or mention us via #bcnsociety on Twitter. We would like to keep the many Twitter users updated about our events, about what’s going on, about anything BCN really, including new …
Executive Cleanup at Factory Locks
On September 20, when staff and executives of SMT Volvo GB spent a (paid) day away from their normal work, for the Exec Volunteer Day 2019, to do something for the community, this time cleaning up a part of the BCN above and below Factory Locks. The event was organised by Cllr Chris Morgan, the organiser of the annual Big …
Ropes for tigers
Received quite an unusual email last week. Click on the photo to zoom an, and open the link – very unusual! Maybe you can help? Do you think some of the BCNS members would be interested in donating any unusable boat rope to a good cause?We have recently approached by Shepreth Wildlife Park looking for old used rope for their …
Report: BCNS and National Citizen Service weekends
BCNS hosted an induction and a work party for eleven 16 year olds from the National Citizen Service over the last 2 weekends. They were all from the Smethwick area but had little or no knowledge of the canals around them. The induction takes place at the Pump House and is an introduction for the teenagers about the canals and …
Brownshill Canalside Festival 2019
The BCN society has its first rally in Brownhills over the weekend of the 18/19th May 2019. The event was based along the extensive canal frontage to Silver Street with stalls and trading boats plus historic craft and over 40 visiting narrowboats. The location was not without its challenges with double yellow lines and a new fence making access to the …
New webmaster
BCNS are delighted to announce that we have a new webmaster who has taken control of both the BCNS websites and now merged them into one – For a limited time only any search of will auto divert to the .com site and eventually the link will die and the site will cease to exist. Work on the site is continuing …
Work Party December 2nd
Talk about ‘up with thee lark’ off down ‘Jimmy Crow; flight by 07.05am, into the dark grey raining morning, tunnel light picking out strange characters staring out of the shadows of trees and bushes, as they peruse use down the flight. Well not really, just my imagination after getting 5 hours sleep on and off attending the BCNS Christmas do …
National Citizen Service – The Challenge
The young people from “The Challenge” worked with us again this summer. As usual, it was good fun – and hopefully and introduction to the canals for the young people. Thank you guys for joining us for a work party. (By the way – we don’t claim to be the Birmingham Canal Navigations – the certificate simply didn’t have the …
BCN Society Spring Cruise 2018
on Saturday 7th April 2018 at 10am from TIPTON to BUMBLE HOLE via locks & Netherton tunnel We welcome boaters to join our cruise & to allow some passengers to join them. This year we are taking our Spring Cruise from Tipton to Windmill End and back. We will take either the Factory Locks or Brades to take us from …