Next years programme is out. The monthly meetings start on the 9th of January with Tony Gregory telling us about the Wolverhampton canals over 60 years. (NOTE – this meeting is on the SECOND Thursday, rather than the the usual First Thursday of the month, to keep it clear of the New Year / Christmas goings on) The rest of the …
BCNS Explorer Cruise 2013
This year’s second BCN Explorer Cruise started in Wolverhampton, and finished at the BCN Society clubhouse at Titford Pumphouse, taking a relaxed and leisurely trip via Pelsall Common, Anglesey Basin, Longwood Boat Club (at the top of the Rushall locks), Ocker Hill junction, Walsall Town Arm, and Tipton Green. Aside from a great time being had by all, there were …
Pictures from Pelsall Canal Festival 2013
I haven’t any worthwhile pictures of the rally itself – however Brownhills Bob and Captain Ahab certainly have. The links take you to their blogs.
Pelsall Canal Festival – preparations
Many thanks to those who worked so hard to make the rally a success. Malcolm and a friend decided (quite rightly) that the bridge at the site was looking a bit dowdy – but rather than simply grumbling, they got out their wire brushes and paint and freshened it up.
Pelsall Canal Festival – the beer arrives!
Paul and Craig from the Old Swan at Netherton – crucial contributors to the success of the rally. Not only did they deliver the beer to the original plan on Thursday, so that it was settled and ready for Saturday, when a problem developed with the beer (it kept disappearing – at a staggering rate) they provided a second batch …
Pelsall – a great success
Pelsall this year was an outstanding success. While the weather made its gesture (30 seconds after the opening at 12:00 on Saturday, the heavens opened up) – but though heavy while it lasted, it didn’t last for long. After a few subsequent minor attempts at a little rain, the weather stayed gorgeous for the rest of the weekend. I believe …
Muskrat – the tail (?) of a Challenge
(Posted as a comment by John of Muskrat, and converted in to a post by the webslave) We add our congratulations to Richard and his crew on Tawny Owl, a fine competitor for the past three challenges and a worthy winner this time. And congratulations too to all the other competitors and to the organisers and helpers at Longwood. …
Questions on the BCNS Challenge
In addition to how many locks and miles can you cover in 24 hours, there are a series of questions to answer, with additional points gained for correct answers. The questions did not all carry the same points. For those (like me!) who did not get all of the questions that I tried, here are the questions and answers. Birmingham …
BCN Marathon Challenge results
Hot off the press, here are the Marathon Challenge results. Congratulations to Richard and his team on Tawny Owl for an outstanding result! 1 Richard Powell on Tawny Owl with 635.2 points 2 Tom Murkin on Diesel And Dust with 609.8 points 3 Sarah Edgson on Canis Major with 554.6 points 4 John Mosley on Firefly with 513 points 5 …
The Allen Register joins the BCNSociety at the Pelsall Rally
The BCN Society continued its long standing association with the Allen Register at the Pelsall Canal Festival taking place from June 14-16. The weekend saw the latest gathering of owners and friends of boats built by Les Allen and Sons (Bob and John) at Oldbury. For further details on the Allen Register contact Annie Jenner via this link.